With these density changes, will the concept and, arguably, the right to quiet enjoyment be adhered to? Imagine 4 or more families on a lot... doesn't sound quiet to me. Call me a NIMBY if you like, but I think the municipalities (think West Van!) won't be going along quietly with this massive over-reach of government.

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Are these new missing middle units rentals or subdivided owner-occupied strata units? If new units are just rentals with landlord/tenant relationship, I don’t see much change in affordability.

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A law banning all investment (Individual, Institutional & Foreign) in Residential Real Estate would also be a great idea. Speculation drives up prices. Houses are a place for people to live in. Does anyone consider how much money is lost in taxes from those Investors who are not reporting the tax either on their gain or the Rental Income they are receiving. Would be interesting to know how much Tax Revenue the Federal Government is giving up.

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We need to do away with Property Transfer Tax and air bnb bylaws.

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