"I've seen gluts not followed by shortages, but I've never seen a shortage not followed by a glut." - Nassim Taleb

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You say "Investors facing surging mortgage interest rates with no ability to pass that along to tenants due to poorly drafted tenancy laws are facing sudden negative cash flow situations that are further deepening amidst rising strata fees, insurance rates, and property taxes."

I ask why should tenants be responsible for the way investors finance their assets? Yes, rent increases should reflect the cost of operating the asset - strata fees, property taxes, insurance, utility costs if they are included in rent - but some investors own outright, while others are mortgaged to the hilt, and that is their choice.

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Well , some good news on inflation. But, I think you have to give some weight to Fed rates south of us. Cutting rates without accompanying US reductions will put pressure on Loonie which would be inflationary.

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