This is the best information to describe why prices have remained elevated. Unbelievable!

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Like trying to fight a war and not take casualties... now the banks are undermining everything the central bank is trying to do because nobody wants to take the pain. Justin will get out just in time and it will be Pierre's fault (remember the state of the US when Obama took office the first time around)

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Always super informative content from Steve, love the open minded, objective analysis. Its quite transparent in your writing and my recent discovery - The Looney Hour 👍 been tuning in 🫡

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I've been developing weekly stats for TO and surrounding areas for my reps, also watching bond yields, etc. Great information and insight. Thanks!

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That was a great write up. The market may not even fall too much more in price. You may have a sideways market for years with low inventory and depressed sales. The cities need to create a lot more rental housing and I think leaders need to look more into what David Eby is doing.

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Thank you for the thoughtful analysis, Steve!

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